Our Partners:
Speweik Preservation Consultants, Inc., collaborates with architects and building owners nationwide in the preservation of historic architecture. The company offers pre-construction services that solve the unique challenges faced in conforming with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. We share the values and philosophies with Speweik Preservation Consultants, Inc and partner with them to offer a historic preservation design build package.
Technical Links:
Links to the National Park Services Preservation Briefs we are committed to upholding these standards in all of the work that we perform. These Briefs cover historic preservation best practices from foundation to roof and everything in between.
How to choose the appropriate mortar for the job
Why is is important to use lime on historic properties? Why is it important to use lime experienced contractors?
Discusses study done on the water "tightness" of masonry walls built with lime mortars vs. masonry cement.
Reviews the use of lime in mortar for watertight walls and durable masonry structures. Also autogenous healing, efflorescence, air content, and permeability. Reprinted 1989 (1964), 5 pp.
Discusses factors influencing strength, extent, and durability of bond, and the ability of lime to make mortar highly plastic and workable. Reprinted 1985 (1964), 10 pp.
Brick Industry Association has a number of technical briefs that can be quite informative and useful.
LIMEWASH RETURNS by Bob Bennett & John Speweik
Limewash paper presented at the International Building Lime Symposium.
What Replacement Windows Can't Replace: The Real Cost of Removing Historic Windows is a good resource with a sample worksheet for calculating payback of replacement windows.